20th June 2023

Five ways to increase your Google Ads CTRs

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Ed Parker
Senior Paid Media Operations Executive
Read time: 2min
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Click-through rates (CTRs) are not just an indication of how relevant your ads are to searchers. CTRs also contribute to your Quality Score which is a factor that influences the position of your ad on the search results page. A higher CTR can improve your Quality Score and in turn the chances your ad will appear higher on the search results page.

Our top 5 tips to improve your Google Ads CTRs

1. Include your keywords in the headline and description of the ad:

  • Doing this will increase the ad strength and the chance that someone will click on your ads.
  • With Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) you should aim for a minimum of three keywords in the headline and two in the description.

2. Use stronger Calls To Action (CTAs) in your ad copy: 

  • With RSAs you have plenty of opportunity to add in multiple CTAs that use active language to influence a user to click on the ad.
  • Examples: ‘Buy Now’, ‘Learn More’ and ‘Contact Us Today’.

3. Add extensions or assets to your ads: keywords:

  • Extensions or assets instantly boost CTRs by taking up more real estate on the results page.

4. Use negative keywords: 

  • Since negative keywords exclude search terms not relevant to your business, they ensure you are only showing your ads to a relevant audience.

5. Test, test and test some more:

  • Testing will allow you to ensure that decisions are not being made through guesswork but instead being made based on data.

If you'd like help to maximise your CTRs or improve any aspect of your Google Ads performance, please get in touch. 

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Author Ed Parker
Channel SEM