20th June 2023

YouTube vs. video ads on connected TV

Ed Perry
Ad Ops Manager
Read time: 5min
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In our attention economy, video content reigns supreme. However, video ads are often resource-intensive to create, and as a result advertisers need to ensure these ads are delivered to their audience in the most efficient and targeted manner possible. After all, there’s no point in spending all of that time and budget creating a video ad if it’s not going to reach the right people at the right time.

In recent years, YouTube and Connected TV (CTV) have emerged as two prominent vehicles for delivering video ads to audiences. But while they may seem similar at first glance (YouTube, after all, is increasingly being watched on CTV devices) there are still some important differences that should separate YouTube from broader CTV advertising in the mind of an attentive advertiser. YouTube has a vast user base and extensive reach, but CTV is generally more capable of delivering longer ads and premium content.

So, the question is, which of these two platforms is best placed to deliver your video ad campaign?

YouTube Advertising

YouTube is the leader in the online video space, boasting one billion hours of video watched daily. This unparalleled scale offers advertisers the opportunity to target highly specific audiences.

Massive Audience Reach

YouTube has over 2 billion monthly active users, and people spend an average of 40 minutes on the platform at a time. It is the world’s second-largest search engine and attracts viewers from all over the globe, allowing advertisers to reach potential customers they might not be able to reach through other marketing channels.

Highly Targeted

With YouTube, advertisers can create highly targeted ads that are tailored to their specific audience. Advertisers can target by granular demographics, interests, and even specific keywords. This means ads are more likely to be seen by people who are interested in the relevant product or service, making advertising spend more effective.

Versatile Ad Formats

YouTube offers a range of ad formats to suit different marketing objectives. These include pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, display ads, and more. This versatility allows advertisers to tailor their ad format to their goals and budget.

Engagement and Interactivity

On YouTube viewers can also interact with ads through clickable elements and Calls To Action (CTAs). This can lead to more conversions and better Return on Investment (ROI).

Connected TV Advertising

Connected TV refers to the streaming of video content on television screens through internet-connected devices like smart TVs and streaming boxes. This is a rapidly evolving part of the media landscape, with new streaming services emerging to challenge established players. CTV provides a unique and specific set of advertising opportunities, with its own set of considerations.

Premium Content and Brand Reputation

Many CTV platforms offer premium content from well-known networks and streaming services. This provides a brand-safe environment for advertisers, and the association with high-quality programming enhances the credibility of the advertised brands.

Ad Length

Unlike YouTube, which primarily offers short-form video content, CTV tends to feature lengthier content allowing for longer ad formats. The extended ad length can be extremely beneficial for brands aiming to convey complex messages or build emotional connections with their audience.

Large Screen Experience

CTV offers an immersive viewing experience on big screens, allowing advertisers to capture the attention of viewers in a living room environment. This also means that ads are more likely to reach multiple viewers at once, increasing brand awareness in households rather than individuals.

Ad Blockers

Advertisers on CTV benefit from the absence of ad blockers that can hinder reach on platforms like YouTube, ensuring higher ad viewability.

Targeting Accuracy

CTV platforms leverage data from streaming services and connected devices, providing advertisers with detailed audience insights. This data-driven approach enables precise targeting when compared with traditional TV ads, ensuring that ads are delivered to relevant viewers.

So... which is best?

Ultimately, YouTube and CTV represent different opportunities for advertisers, with different strengths and weaknesses. When deciding how to best utilise video ads, marketers must consider their objectives, audience, and budget. YouTube offers vast reach, precise targeting, and cost-effectiveness, while wider CTV advertising delivers an immersive big-screen experience, extended ad formats, and premium content. In some scenarios it may even be beneficial to leverage both platforms, utilising their respective strengths to create a comprehensive video advertising strategy.

At equimedia, we can help with the entire process from creating your video ads to delivery and campaign optimisation through our programmatic solution Kaizen. If you’re interested in running a YouTube campaign or CTV campaign, get in touch now to find out more! 

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Author Ed Perry
Channel Media